Who is Elizabeth from The Bachelor 2022? Tue 25 January 2022 16:51 Updated Tue 13 June 2023

If you’ve been watching Season 26 of The Bachelor you will probably be aware of the Colorado native, Elizabeth by now – and if not her, you’ll definitely be aware of the drama she has been involved in.

Elizabeth is one of the many ladies fighting her way to bag Clayton’s heart, but take away the drama and the competition, what fans really want to know is, who is Elizabeth? 

We here at Reality TitBit did some digging and have found everything you need to know about The Bachelor 2022 contestant.

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Who is Elizabeth?

According to her Bachelor 2022 profile on ABC, Elizabeth Corrigan is a 32-year-old real estate advisor living in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. 

The Bachelor contestant values her career highly and is known to her friends and family as an ambitious and hard-working woman. 

This is not only something she sees and values in herself but also in her potential future husband. Her profile on ABC states; 

She’s very invested in her career and wants a man who appreciates her professional tenacity and grit while also having those same characteristics himself.


Aside from her career, Elizabeth enjoys the finer things in life, she is an avid wine-taster and after taking a quick peep at her Instagram account it is clear to see she has a very active social life too.

The most exciting fact about Elizabeth however, is her ability to speak over a dozen languages, including Spanish, French and Japanese. 

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Elizabeth’s drama with Shanae

If you’ve been watching you’ll already be aware of the incessant and almost never-ending drama between Elizabeth and another contestant, Shanae.

The couples disagreements started in the second week after Shanae accused Elizabeth of ‘ignoring’ her when they were chatting by the pool.

Elizabeth explained she wasn’t ignoring her, but that due to her ADHD it is sometimes hard for her to communicate with multiple people at a time. 

Despite trying to explain, the girls’ arguments continued and became progressively worse. They ended up arguing over simple things such as shrimp – We all know how good shrimp is but come on ladies. 

Shanae soon became so upset with Elizabeth that she made it her ‘mission’ to try to ruin any potential relationship Elizabeth may have created with Clayton.

However, it didn’t work out for Shanae as she ended up leaving in episode 5 after weeks of drama. 

I don’t even remember why Shanae and Elizabeth don’t get along #TheBachelor

— Amy Steele (@msamysteele) January 25, 2022
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What is Elizabeth’s Instagram?

If you want to see more of Elizabeth from The Bachelor you can find her on Instagram under the handle, @ecorrigan5280.

Her feed is full of selfies and pictures of her celebrating life with family and friends. Elizabeth’s bio classes herself as a “neurodivergent”, “moonlighting pep-talker” and “polyglot”.

Go and check it out for yourself! 

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