What happened to Terry on TLCs Dr. Pimple Popper? Thu 9 September 2021 02:00 Chaitra Kris

Dr. Pimple Popper is all set to bring to you more interesting cases in Episode 9 of Season 6, as three patients meet with Dr. Sandra Lee to find a solution to their problems. Terry with a giant nose is one of them. 

Having lived in pain and discomfort for years due to the unusual growth of a cyst on his nose, Terry, after giving up on other doctors, hopes Dr. Sandra can finally fix his problem.

So who is Terry and what’s does his case look like? Let us explain.

Terry sometimes wakes up gasping for breath because of the large cyst on his nose. Can @SandraLeeMD come to the rescue? Tune in to an all new #DrPimplePopper, TOMORROW at 9/8c. pic.twitter.com/HlbIJJ4Wme

— TLC Network (@TLC) September 7, 2021
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Who is Terry?

Terry is one of the three patients on Dr. Pimple Popper’s latest episode, who is desperate for help to fix his nose.

The elderly man has a huge growth on his nose, which covers the majority of his face. Due to a bump, his nose is significantly larger on the right side. 

Terry says he gets really painful boils inside his nose sometimes, which has made his life very hard. 

He lives with his daughter, Heather, and has refrained from meeting the rest of his family for eight years as he’s isn’t comfortable with his nose. 

Terry has seven children and seventeen grandchildren, but he chooses to live away from all of them due to his condition. He notes that he started growing his hair to cover his nose when it started to increase in size. 

While he can breathe with ease during the day, he struggles at night when he’s lying down as the growth covers his nostrils, which restricts his breathing. Terry holds his nose back with his finger when he’s in bed.

Doctor NOSE best! Your favorite docs are back on Wednesday in an all new #DrPimplePopper at 9/8c, followed by an all new #MyFeetAreKillingMe at 10/9c! pic.twitter.com/OgpaMtprsl

— TLC Network (@TLC) September 6, 2021
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Dr. Pimple Popper patient’s condition explored

On examining his case, Dr. Sandra explains that Terry has Rhinophyma. She had previously treated another patient, Roger, for the same condition.

It is a skin disorder that causes enlarged red bumps on the nose. The condition is said to be common among men between the age group of 50 and 70. 

While Terry’s exact age is unknown, he says he started facing this problem 25 years ago. 

He further reveals that he has consulted other doctors to get himself treated but they’ve all prescribed him a cream to apply on the nose, which has never helped. Terry isn’t comfortable going to those doctors anymore. 

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What happened to Terry?

Dr. Sandra has always enjoyed treating the most complicated of cases.

Talking about Terry’s nose, she says they are the biggest “pockets of butter” she has ever seen. 

The cyst consists of enlarged pores, which break upon squeezing. Clearly, Dr. Sandra absolutely loved popping them, and from the trailer of the episode, it appears as if she got rid of quite a few of them. 

However, it remains to be seen if the doctor can also come up with a solution to fix his enlarged nose so he can go back to living a normal life. 

Dr. Pimple Popper airs on Wednesdays on TLC.
